Errol Morris a director, describes in the first ten minutes in the documentary of Film Noir how “Noir is concerned with error and with confusion. The noir idea, is that we don’t know whats going on but we do know something bad is going to happen.” This quote not only describes noir films but also Double Indemnity. Double Indemnity is a film that has suspense and mystery throughout the movie. The audience is unaware of what will happen next but the tone and the musical score in the movie makes it obviously and predictable that something horrible will happen.
Errol Morris a director, describes in the first ten minutes in the documentary of Film Noir how “Noir is concerned with error and with confusion. The noir idea, is that we don’t know whats going on but we do know something bad is going to happen.” This quote not only describes noir films but also Double Indemnity. Double Indemnity is a film that has suspense and mystery throughout the movie. The audience is unaware of what will happen next but the tone and the musical score in the movie makes it obviously and predictable that something horrible will happen.
Barbara Stanwyck, Phyllis in Double Indemnity is the definition of a femme fatale. The trend in the film noir is that the female character is usually a “Powerful sexual female, who is very dangerous” says Scholar, Janey Place. “She uses sexuality to get what she's after. Not the man, he’s just another tool. She’s after something for herself. ” Phyllis is a character who uses her sexuality to get what she wants. She she sees her opportunity when Walter (Fred MacMurray) is selling accident insurance. Phyllis uses Walter as tool to kill her husband, While Walter is thinking he is killing Phyllis's husband so that he and Phyllis can be together. However Phyllis has other plans in mind. Woman in film noir movies take on a certain role and a recurring theme of being independent, very smart and extremely sexual. There flirtatious and sexual manner is what gets there victims/men characters in a world of trouble involving murder and death.
The signature visual tone in film noir movies is the ability to adjust lights and shadows, with an intense musical tone. Film noir movies contain a lot of deep shadows, bright sources with controlled lighting. In film noir it is very economical to stage a seen because its dark shadows with bright lights allows the audience to only focus on the characters while everything else is hidden in darkness. In film noir shadows are important because it adds much mystery to the audience because the audience does not know what lays in the dark. It is like light against the dark which is said to be like good versus evil. It makes film noir more mysterious and makes oneself wonder. In Double Indemnity the scene where Walter invites himself to the Phyllis’s home with intentions of murder. Phyllis knows what his intentions are and makes the living room and entrance way very dark, turning off all the lights. Adding more suspense and confusing when Walter walks in. In the scene when Walter murders Phyllis’s husband the musical score is purely instrumental which makes Double Indemnity so edging. An instrumental score in the murder scene in the car make Phyllis look insane, and evil. While the dark shadows add another level of evilness and craziness in Phylliss’s eyes.
Comparing neo noir movies and film noir movies with Chinatown and Double Indemnity are completely two different types of genres. They are similar in way they that they are both dealing with the main character narrating the movie. There is similarities with the “same” seductive powerful female character who plays an innocent role but ends off the film with death. Lighting and color is a major difference when comparing a neo noir film with film noir. When describing the visuals in a neo noir film a color noir film it is not the same as film noir because the audience needs the shadows to have the feeling of suspense in there guts. With color it takes the fun of the dark tones, shadows and bright lights. The visuals need to be in black and white because film noir creates certain tones with black and white movies that colored visuals can not copy. The musical score for neo noir movies is different from noir films even though they are both still only instrumentals the instrumentals do not adds as much suspense compered to film noir movie in the 1940s. The sound sounds different making it less suspseful taking away the mystery. I would choose the original style of film noir because it is more natural then the copy of a neo noir film that gives it less flavor in certain aspects like shadows for example that the real film noir has.
femme fatale
femme fatale
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